Arts & Letters Daily search results for “wittgenstein” (29)

2012-08-17 | Don't think, look! For Wittgenstein, the maxim was fundamental to his philosophy. Seeing connections precedes understanding more »

2019-01-30 | A mathematician tasked with translating Wittgenstein, Frank Ramsey was a crucial link between pragmatism and analytic philosophy more »

2022-09-05 | Minds and hands. For Wittgenstein and Weil, work was both physical labor and an object of contemplation  more »

2014-11-04 | Combine a disgruntled, gambling-happy professor, a student who doesn't like to read, and Wittgenstein. The result: a revelation more »

2012-08-18 | Cambridge, 1946. Wittgenstein returned after his wartime service, a cranky, mercurial mutterer: "I get stupider and stupider every day" more »

2016-09-16 | The virtue of analogies, said Wittgenstein, consists in "changing our way of seeing." But most offer just temporary distraction, not illumination  more »

2020-07-03 | All is not minimalism. According to Kyle Chayka’s recent book, Duchamp, Wittgenstein, and Marx all inform modern minimalist lifestyles. Not quite more »

2016-05-18 | Wittgenstein’s charisma. He lived philosophy as a personal struggle. That made him severe, ruthless, censorious, and depressed. And bewitching more »

2017-10-12 | In its belief that what matters is information rather than insight, society has become what Wittgenstein feared. That could explain his unpopularity more »

2022-04-06 | At 90, the poetry critic Marjorie Perloff doesn't want to analyze verse. She wants to discuss Wittgenstein and Duchamp more »

2016-02-26 | While in the Austrian army, Wittgenstein wrote a book of philosophy. Then he quit the subject — he’d solved all its problems more »

2019-08-06 | Wittgenstein said you could write a whole philosophy of the human condition using only jokes. So what can we learn from the jokes told under Stalinmore »

2017-06-13 | Austro-Hungarian modernists like Wittgenstein, Karl Kraus, and Joseph Roth were anti-utopian and anti-ideological. What were they for? Irony more »

2019-11-14 | When Wittgenstein went to war, the gossip machine quickly determined that he was a burnt-out wreck and a disgrace to the field more »

2022-05-10 | What did Wittgenstein believe? He made an art of inscrutability. Be suspicious of anyone who claims to understand him  more »

2021-08-19 | Wittgenstein’s Tractatus is known as a great work of philosophy. Is it also an immaculate volume of modernist poetry?   more »

2013-09-25 | Boethius in a cell, Rousseau in the forest, Wittgenstein in a hut. Quiet is good and necessary. But even solitary geniuses need an audience more »

2019-09-23 | Wittgenstein is more cult than argument. His followers know he was right, even if they don't know what he actually meant more »

2020-07-22 | Aristotle defended slavery, Kant and Hume were racists, Wittgenstein was sexist. Is it possible to set aside those positions? Is it wise? Depends on the philosopher more »

2022-07-14 | Wittgenstein at war. For the first time in his life, he was side by side with illiterate proletarians. They loathed him more »

2021-12-24 | Wittgenstein, who regarded philosophy as a “kind of magic,” noted more than a few parallels linking conjurers and philosophers  more »

2021-11-08 | Wittgenstein wrote like a "poet trapped inside a philosopher.” Philosophy can describe the world, but only fiction can create it more »

2016-10-20 | From bats to algorithms to aliens: Can we ever understand consciousness in a form radically different from our own? The question was a challenge to Wittgenstein, Nagel, Chalmers more »

2015-08-01 | When Hayek met Wittgenstein. It was 1918, and the two artillery ensigns — and ardent socialists — shared a train back to the war. Hayek was forever changed more »

2011-01-01 | Literature and law. At the Supreme Court, Hemingway and Wittgenstein loom large. Not so the scribblings of legal scholars, which are of no use and no interest to Chief Justice Roberts more »

2022-05-20 | By 1916, Wittgenstein had laid out his solution to philosophy’s quandaries. But then he was pushed beyond his “mathematical train of thought”  more »

2015-09-02 | The meaning of what we say can’t be divorced from its context. That's Wittgenstein, and it goes far to explain the sorry state of discourse on the Internet more »

2016-06-09 | We love trivia, quiz shows, picking up strange tidbits of knowledge. Why? “The world is the totality of facts, not of things,” wrote Wittgenstein  more »

2018-12-27 | For Wittgenstein, philosophy had no “problems,” only “puzzles.” This did not stop him from threatening Karl Popper with a fireplace poker over a philosophical difference more »